General Secretary of Protestant Church of The Netherlands visits the Airport Chaplaincy

Sunday May 5th, General Secretary of the PCN (Dutch: PKN) visited the Airport Chaplaincy. He was joined by Mrs. Hilde van Koppen, secretary of the Board of the General Synod and they both brought their spouses. They attended the Sunday Service in the Meditation Centre. Many passengers and visitors participated in the liturgy and after the service a vibrant exchange started between everyone, travelers, guests, chaplains, volunteers and board members.Continue reading “Bezoek scriba PKN aan Luchthavenpastoraat”

Christmas Eve near the Meditation Centre, behind security

For the ones who are travelling through Schiphol Airport on Christmas Eve, do not miss the opportunity to get a touch of Christmas in a short celebration in Lounge 2. This service can only be attended by checked-in passengers, passengers in transit or staff who are on duty on Christmas Eve. A selection of Christmas carols will be sung, we will read the Nativity story and a short Christmas message will be given by one of the chaplains.Continue reading “Kerstavondviering in het Meditation Centre, achter de security”

IACAC Conference in St. Louis, Missouri

‘You’re helping people to get home,’ the bus driver summarizes on his way to the conference venue. This is the work done by airport chaplains day after day. Being able to find the colleague of another airport helps, so bereaved passengers will again be assisted upon their arrival. During the last week of October, Airport chaplains from many different airports came together for their yearly conference in St. Louis.Continue reading “IACAC Conferentie St. Louis, Missouri”

A visit to the Airport Chaplaincy at Schiphol

On Saturday September 30th, a delegation of the Protestant church of Halfweg-Zwanenburg visited the Airport Chaplaincy at Schiphol. Three volunteers and one of the chaplains welcomed fifteen church committee members for an information session and a visit to the Meditation Centre behind security.Continue reading “Bezoek Protestantse gemeente Halfweg-Zwanenburg aan het Luchthavenpastoraat”

Ordination of Mark Hafkenscheid to the Priesthood

On Saturday, July 1st the Rev. Mark Hafkenscheid, Curate at St. Mary’s and Airport Chaplain at Schiphol, has been ordained to the Priesthood by the Rt. Rev. Dr. David Hamid, the Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese in Europe of the Church of England. Many witnessed and celebrated this joyful service in St.Mary’s Church in Rotterdam, which marks a milestone for Mark and his family.Continue reading “Wijding luchthavenpastor Mark Hafkenscheid”

Read travellers' stories in the new annual report

'The pleasure of welcoming friends from afar knows no bounds’. These words mark the cover of the Airport Chaplaincy’s annual report of 2022. It was the year the world gradually started to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, but not for everybody. At Schiphol a group of passengers still got stuck at the airport, during weeks or months they had to live on the piers and in the lounge.Continue reading “Lees reizigersverhalen in het nieuwe jaarverslag”

Harp music on Pentecost Sunday

This Sunday, 28th of May, the chaplaincy happily welcomes harpist Aimée van Delden in the Meditation Centre of Schiphol. In the beginning of 2023, one of the chaplains met her at a regional meeting and the plan for a combined church service was born. Harp music will attribute warmth and purity to the serenity of the Meditation Centre and will be enjoyable even more on a festive day like Pentecost.Continue reading “Harpiste Aimée van Delden musiceert op 28 mei”