The podcast Holy Ground is a Dutch spoken podcast series made by two theological universities in The Netherlands. Koos Tamminga interviews airport chaplain Marieke Meiring on emergency issues she faces and Martha Zonneveld, manager emergency response projects with Tearfund.Continue reading “Luchthavenpastor te gast in podcast Heilige Grond”
Category Archives: In the media
Interview Local Radio Station Volendam – Edam
Mid-October volunteer Ria Tol and airport chaplain Marieke Meiring were invited by L.O.V.E. (Local Radio Volendam-Edam) for an interview. In the basement of the stadium of FC Volendam the radio team gave them a warm welcome and asked many questions about the work of the chaplaincy in the Meditation Centre of Schiphol Airport.Continue reading “Interview Lokale Omroep Volendam – Edam”
Chaplains interviewed by Nederlands Dagblad
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic more often than before travellers eventually strand at international airports. This happens due to different reasons: sometimes the travel documents are not valid or not sufficient; the world has changed so much that a thorough preparation before travelling is highly recommended. Sometimes passengers turn out to test positive during their journey and it is mandatoryContinue reading “Nederlands Dagblad interviewt pastores”
Airport chaplain interviewed in the Dutch radio program "Dit is de Zondag"
"Why would you need a pastor at an airport?", David Boogerd asked Marieke Meiring, pastor at Schiphol. She was interviewed in "Dit is de Zondag" on NPO Radio 1 on August 15, 2021. In the episode, she talks about her profession as an airport chaplain and shares stories about her work. If youContinue reading “Luchthavenpastor te gast in “Dit is de Zondag””
An impression of our work
Schiphol has made a wonderful short film about the work of the airport chaplains. Shortly before the start of the pandemic, the film recordings with the three chaplains, Marieke Meiring, Gerard Timmermans and Mark Hafkenscheid, were completed. To watch the film and get an impression of our work, click here.
An article by "Woord&Weg" about pastoral care in times of corona
The Dutch magazine “Woord&Weg” published an article in September 2020 about pastoral care in times of corona. “Listening more strongly”. This is how airport chaplain Marieke Meiring describes her work during the pandemic. Her story offers an insight into the effects of the pandemic on people's lives. Click here to open the article (in Dutch).Continue reading “Woord&Weg over pastoraat in corona-tijd”
The Dutch journal "Geestelijke Verzorging" writes about the Airport Chaplaincy
In the spring of 2020, the Dutch journal "Geestelijke Verzorging" published an article about the spiritual care at Schiphol. Airport chaplain Marieke Meiring writes about people who search for peace and stability in the hectic pace of traveling. People who are confronted with the fragility of life along the way. Click here to read the article (in Dutch).Continue reading ““Geestelijke Verzorging” schrijft over het Luchthavenpastoraat”
Interview with pastor Mark Hafkenscheid in "OpSchiphol"
In het blad OpSchiphol, “behind the scenes”, is onlangs een interview verschenen met luchthavenpastor Mark Hafkenscheid van OCAAM. Klik hier om het artikel te lezen.
The Dutch newspaper "AdRem" about the Airport Chaplaincy
Het Remonstrants dagblad “AdRem” heeft in juli/augustus 2018 een artikel geschreven over het werk van het Luchthavenpastoraat. Klik hier om het artikel te lezen.
Interview with Pastor Mark Hafkenscheid in the Dutch newspaper "Trouw"
In dagblad Trouw is op 5 april 2018 een interview met Pastor Mark Hafkenscheid verschenen naar aanleiding van de opening van het nieuwe stiltecentrum. U kunt hier het volledige artikel lezen.