Children’s choir stays overnight at the airport

On a Sunday afternoon two Ugandese young men knocked on the door of the Meditation Centre. Thirteen childreen between ten and thirteen years old and their leaders asked for a place in the airport where they could spread their blankets on the floor and sleep. The children’s choir just finished it’s three months tour and were on their way back home to Entebbe.Continue reading “Kinderkoor overnacht op Schiphol”

Donations by passengers who wish to support the Airport Chaplaincy

The Chaplaincy was invited some time ago to lecture to a group of KLM shiftleaders of the Business Lounge. The work the Chaplaincy does is always touching and interesting to share. For example, the help is given to those who have experienced a robbery at their destination and travel back without anything. Sometimes travellers do not bring any suitcases, but they just have a plastic bag with hardly anything. The chaplains help out with a pair of slippers, a warm jumper or necessary medication.Continue reading “Donaties van passagiers die het Luchthavenpastoraat willen steunen”

Ordination of Mark Hafkenscheid to the Priesthood

On Saturday, July 1st the Rev. Mark Hafkenscheid, Curate at St. Mary’s and Airport Chaplain at Schiphol, has been ordained to the Priesthood by the Rt. Rev. Dr. David Hamid, the Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese in Europe of the Church of England. Many witnessed and celebrated this joyful service in St.Mary’s Church in Rotterdam, which marks a milestone for Mark and his family.Continue reading “Wijding luchthavenpastor Mark Hafkenscheid”

Read travellers' stories in the new annual report

'The pleasure of welcoming friends from afar knows no bounds’. These words mark the cover of the Airport Chaplaincy’s annual report of 2022. It was the year the world gradually started to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, but not for everybody. At Schiphol a group of passengers still got stuck at the airport, during weeks or months they had to live on the piers and in the lounge.Continue reading “Lees reizigersverhalen in het nieuwe jaarverslag”

The 2021 annual report is online

We are pleased to present the annual report of 2021 (in Dutch) of the Airport Chaplaincy. In this report you can learn more about our experiences and activities during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic at Schiphol. An airport during a pandemic is and remains a special place to be active. Flexibility and attention are the two keywords!