General Secretary of Protestant Church of The Netherlands visits the Airport Chaplaincy

Sunday May 5th, General Secretary of the PCN (Dutch: PKN) visited the Airport Chaplaincy. He was joined by Mrs. Hilde van Koppen, secretary of the Board of the General Synod and they both brought their spouses. They attended the Sunday Service in the Meditation Centre. Many passengers and visitors participated in the liturgy and after the service a vibrant exchange started between everyone, travelers, guests, chaplains, volunteers and board members. Among them a young female passenger hugged the pastor. She said she was speechless and also didn’t master English that much, being of South-American background. Full of tears, she picked one of the carnation flowers she carried on her back and gave it to the chaplain. This is one of the many tokens of appreciation the chaplaincy receives on a daily basis. Some attenders had shared a prayer request in the service and were prayed for by the pastor. They spoke to René, Hilde and board members this was meaningful to them. The atmosphere was full of gratitude, interconnectedness and attentive listening.

The chaplains invited the General Secretary and his wife Marike, the Board Secretary and her husband Frans for lunch. The visit of René and Hilde of the Airport Chaplaincy at Schiphol was tremendously inspiring and enriching. The team of chaplains, volunteers and the board felt truly supported in their work at the airport by the time spent together.

From left to right: chaplain Mark Hafkenscheid, Frans van Koppen, Hilde van Koppen, chaplain Marieke Meiring, vrijwilliger Janny Brevoord, Marike de Reuver, René de Reuver.